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QuickBooks has gained immense popularity for the past decade. And due to its growing demand Intuit started launching new version of the software every year. Today this cutting edge software helps small and medium businesses in their accounting, bookkeeping, inventory management, sales and more. But since it is just a software, at times users do face errors. Even though the errors can be solved easily at times they can be pretty serious affecting the whole business operation. So, in this article we will discuss about the troubleshooting basics with QuickBooks desktop for Mac. However, you can connect with QuickBooks experts to get the best advices and instant support. Give us a call at +1-888-510-9198, and our technical support team will ensure to provide you with immediate support and guidance.

Read it Also: How to Resolve QuickBooks Error Code 6154?

Steps to Troubleshoot Basic with QuickBooks for Mac

Below we have cover up few troubleshooting basic with QuickBooks for Mac.

1. Check your version of QuickBooks for Mac and your Mac’s operating system

Did you recently upgraded your MAC OS?  Often that kind of change can lead to issues in the older version of QuickBooks. When you update your operating system it is also important to upgrade your QuickBooks. And even after updating the technical errors remain, then there should be compatibility issues between the QuickBooks and the operating system. In that case try to open a sample company file installed in QuickBooks. In case there are any problem then there can be issues with data damage.

2. If there are issues with the sample company file, then check your disk permissions

If you see the problem in occurring on the sample company file, then try checking to your disk permission. Few times fixing the disk permissions can make things right.

  • First open the Disk Utility (Applications > Utilities > Disk Utilities)
  • Now choose your Mac’s hard drive and then click on the Repair Disk Permissions button

Also Read: How to Fix QuickBooks Mac Error Troubleshooting & Help?

3. Delete the QuickBooks User-level preference file

Step 1: The first thing to do is go to the user account on the Mac and then open Preference folder inside the Library Folder and now look for the QuickBooks for Mac plist file and then trash it.

Note: You may need to reset some preferences the next time you launch QuickBooks.

Step 2: In case fixing the permissions and deleting the plist file doesn’t work then the main problem would a corrupted user account in the Mac. So, you have to make a new user account and then open QuickBooks when you are already logged into the new account.

Step 3: Now open the company file and then start using it. In case the regular behavioral issue with the file is resolved then it means that that the Mac user account is corrupted and this issue can only be fixed by Mac expert.

Step 4: If the sample company file works smoothly then you should try fixing the repairing permissions and remove the preference file. And in case your company file still doesn’t work properly for example there is an issue with lists and reports then you have to resolve the list damages.

Important Note: It may have list damage. See the short article checklist damage in QuickBooks for Mac: Symptoms and Cures for actions to fix that issue. However, if all your efforts, your file collisions, record errors or display screens incorrect details, it might have data damage on your company file.

4. Download and Install the Latest Updates

 If you are upgrading to Mac 2020 or later versions, there may be file compatibility issues with your earlier QuickBooks Desktop versions. The incompatibility situation may cause the program to crash or prevent from loading.

You should download and install the latest QuickBooks updates to use Mac 2020 or macOS Catalina. The following is how you can install QuickBooks updates:

  • Click the QuickBooks drop-down menu
  • Select Check for QuickBooks Updates
  • Click Install Update for your QuickBooks version
  • Tap on Install and Relaunch
  • QuickBooks Mac will automatically open after the update is complete

If you aren’t able to handle the issues then you can always seek help from the QuickBooks Mac Support team. We are available 24/7 and you will be guided by experienced experts who will solve the errors as well as give you tips to avoid it.

Read Also: How to Fix QuickBooks Point of Sale Error 121?

Steps to back-up your company file in QuickBooks for Mac 2015

To Backup QuickBooks company file in QB Mac 2015 and late versions, Firstly you need to set up your backup preferences

  • Firstly, open your QuickBooks for Mac software
  • After that go to the QuickBooks and then click on Preferences
  • Finally choose backup option.

You can perform these action too:

  1. Set QuickBooks to automatically every single time you close your company file. For ex: QuickBooks not able to backup company file.
  2. Set your QuickBooks to immediately backup the company files every couple of hours or an once a day.

Steps to open your QuickBooks for Windows file in QuickBooks for Mac

Important: Be certain that you are aware with what data is converted from QuickBooks for Windows to QuickBooks for Mac.

In Windows system:

  • Firstly, Open the company file you intend to convert, in QuickBooks for windows
  • After that, Select file then ‘Utilities‘ and then copy ‘company file‘ for QuickBooks Mac
  • Follow the on-screen instructions. QuickBooks creates a mac.qbb file
  • Now copy the ‘.qbb file‘ or a ‘CD‘ or ‘USB‘ drive or an other media
  • You can also make use of a network file sharing service such as Dropbox to move a file

On Mac system:

  • First of all, copy the .qbb file‘ for your document folder
  • After that open company the select the ‘.qbb file‘ and then click on ‘open
  • Now hit a Click on ‘OK‘, if you want a restore a QuickBooks for window file
  • After that enter a name for a restored file
  • After that click ‘OK

To get more information click:- How to opening you QuickBooks for windows file in QuickBooks for mac?

Steps to converting a QuickBooks file from windows to mac

Below we have shared few steps to convert a QuickBooks File from Windows to Mac:

  1. Firstly, Open the data file in quickbooks 2012 for windows as well as choose file
  2. Then choose Utilities
  3. After that, Copy company file for QuickBooks mac to conserve the file as a ‘.qbb backup file‘.
  4. Now Send the ‘.qbb file‘ to the mac user by a ‘CD, USB drive, or iDisk.’
  5. Next, Choose file — > Open company — > Choose the ‘.qbb file as well as click ‘Open‘.

Attributes of QuickBooks for mac 2016 R20:

  • You will get tabled window support
  • Scheduled reports
  • Send-mail capability

Enhancement from 2016 R6:

  • Print trademark on checks
  • Share attachment
  • Expense vendor time
  • Use a horizontal toolbar
  • Adjust the display screen font style size
  • Set page breaks on report

Improvement from 2016 R1:

  • Now you can resize column on forms
  • You can directly print on envelopes
  • Fill in and also edit timesheet easily
  • Now Publish time-sheet
  • You can view long invoice summaries

Also See: How to Install and Set up QuickBooks Mac Desktop?


We hope that you are now able to understand how to backup company file in QuickBooks for Mac 2015 also how to open your QB for Windows file in QB for Mac and convert a QuickBooks file from windows to mac. However, if you need further information or need technical help dial our QuickBooks Enterprise support number i.e. +1-888-510-9198.


FAQs Related to QuickBooks for MAC

Why is the QuickBooks app not working on my Mac?

QuickBooks online Mac desktop app is no longer supported as of April 20th of 2021. However, you can continue logging in through the web browser.

Can you use QuickBooks with a Mac?

Yes, QuickBooks is available for Mac users as well. Moreover, QuickBooks online works with your MAC without any issues.

Is QuickBooks different on a Mac?

QuickBooks Mac Plus isn’t as robust as Windows. It has less functionality as compared with QuickBooks for windows. There is no accountant’s copy, which means that sharing files with your accountant is a little bit more complicated.

How do I activate QuickBooks on my Mac?

From QuickBooks Menu, go for register QuickBooks. Further enter the license and product numbers, and hit next. Once done with that choose either to register online or contact us. Now, select register online and follow the steps on the screen to complete the activation process.

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