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QuickBooks Terms & Conditions

We can be your technology partner and can help you with all sorts of bookkeeping and accounting activities. Our specialized services are value for money and at the same time are quite affordable. We consider your needs, as we do not believe in one solution fits in all. We will work with you at your office, at our office, or online – whichever is suitable for you. We have come up with an aim to help in focusing on more important things and leave the rest on us.

We at Proaccountant Advisor thank you for choosing us to serve you with QuickBooks Services and offers, and it is our kind request that you read through the below Terms and Conditions thoroughly for it would be a legal agreement between you and ProAccountantAdvisor By accepting our Terms and Conditions, you agree to the terms of the services, installations and access/ use of services. Also in case you do not accept, you may not use our services.

General Terms

The Agreement describes our terms regarding the use of QuickBooks products and Support services that are mentioned on the website including updates, references, and new releases, content and all other. It includes:

Payments for all services will be charged in US dollar and the amount shall be debited once you subscribe and provide the payment details as mentioned in payment terms or service agreements in the website.

Payment can be done through any of the following:

  • Any valid Credit Card will be accepted at ProAccountantAdvisor
  • Any valid Debit Card will be accepted at ProAccountantAdvisor
  • Any Valid PayPal Account.
  • There should be sufficient fund in the account to allow debit of amount.
  • Through other payment other method that is issued by ProAccountantAdvisor in writing.
  • In case of incorrect or incomplete details of payment information, you are requested to kindly notify us of the same. And failure to do so may render your account being suspended or terminated without any further access to services.
  • In case we are not notified about any updates in your payment information, we may get in touch with your card provider for uninterrupted payment of services, and with your authorization we will continue billing you with the same updated details.
  • We will not automatically renew any of our services unless it is mentioned in the Service or Product Agreement.
  • In case of any additional comments or renewal terms, one can look for the same on the website for individual Product or Services.

#1 Accounting Solution for Small Business Which You Need to Save Time and Confidently Run Your Business!