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While using QuickBooks Point of Sale, even the smartest businessman gets irritated when he faces unexpected errors and his work gets hampered. Every business man wants to get the best revenue of his services and goods, thus, it gets quite essential to resolve the QuickBooks Point of Sale unexpected errors. When processing a transaction or opening POS, you might come across the following errors:

Unexpected error happened, please restart Point of Sale. Exception from HRESULT: 0x88980406
Unexpected error happened. The error is: Value cannot be null. Parameter:s
Unable to open the program through the Point of Sale icon
Error: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation
Configuration system failed to initialize
Error 100 database server not found “08w01”
Error: 176120 invalid license key status, key denied
Error: QBPOSShell has stopped working

These errors can often be encountered when POS isn’t compatible with the system requirements or there is damaged .NET framework. In this article, we will discuss about these unexpected errors that occur in QuickBooks Point of Sale, also we will share best troubleshooting steps for it. For more details, stick around this post till the end, or you can further connect with our technical support team at +1-888-510-9198, and we will provide you with immediate support services.

See Also: How to Fix QuickBooks Error Code -6150, -1006?

Resolving unexpected errors when opening QuickBooks Point of Sale (POS)

While opening QuickBooks Point of Sale, you find it difficult to resolve the unexpected errors. Here are some quick methods that you can opt for to fix unexpected errors when opening QuickBooks POS.

Method 1: Make Sure QuickBooks POS is updated

It should be noted that before completing the update process and ensuring issue resolution, you might require renaming the intuit entitlement client folder. You can now go to the product updates page and ensure that point of sale is selected as your product and also follow the instructions to install a manual update. You might have to reboot later on.

Method 2: Make Sure that Configuration of System is essential

  • To start, check the minimum configurations that re required for your system to run the program.
  • Click on the Windows logo and right click on Computer.
  • Go to Properties
  • Check installed memory, that is RAM [Random Access Memory]

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Method 3: Run the Microsoft Component Clean-up tool

  • Shut all the programs and download the QuickBooks Component Repair Tool and save it in the desired location.
  • Double click on the saved file and when asked for security prompt, click on Yes.
  • Now, click Yes on the next two screens as well.
  • When everything is over, reboot when prompted.

This will take 15-20 minutes to complete and requires a reboot. During this process, a couple of black screens will appear. At that time, you need to just observe and wait when the process is over.

Read More: What is QuickBooks Error 6209 and How to fix it?

Method 4: Switch as a new window user

  • Go to Windows Start button and type user accounts.
  • Press Enter in search space
  • Now Click on Manage user accounts.
  • Click on Manage another account
  • Create a new account and give it a name of test.
  • Choose Administrator for user type.
  • Now log off windows and sign in as a user. Open Point of Sale (POS) again.
  • If the issue persists, try toggling your UAC settings.

Method 5: Close and Restart QuickBooks POSShell and troubleshoot compatibility

  • Close QuickBooks Point of Sale and press Ctrl+Alt+Delete button
  • Click on Start Task Manager
  • Click on Processes tab and click on Image Name Column title
  • Right click on QBPOSShell.exe and end this process
  • Close Task Manager
  • Open POS software again

Important Note: If you see more than one QBPOSShell, files or folder the please follow the steps above to troubleshoot compatibility with Windows.

Troubleshoot Compatibility:

  • You need to first right click the Point of Sale icon on your desktop and select Troubleshoot Compatibility.
  • Once done with that, choose try recommendation settings and follow the instructions.
  • Once done, reboot the system and open point of sale.

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Method 6: Uninstall and reinstall .NET framework and QuickBooks point of sale

  • Uninstall QuickBooks Point of Sale
  • Uninstall .NET Framework 4.0 and 4.5
    • On Programs and features window, choose Microsoft.NET framework 4.0 (or 4.5)
    • And then, choose uninstall and click on next tab.
    • Perform the onscreen instructions to uninstall the application.
    • Reinstall it and ensure to reboot your system after uninstalling .NET framework.
    • Note: In case you come across any sort of issues when uninstalling .NET framework, please connect with a qualified IT professional or Microsoft as this is a Microsoft component that interacts with operating system, not just QuickBooks.
  • Installing .NET framework 4.5 (4.0 client and extended built in)
    • You need to download .NET framework 4.5 (.NET framework 4.5 is a combination of .NET framework 4.0 client and extended) from Microsoft’s website.
    • You need to then save the file to your desktop and then double click the file and perform the instructions to install.
    • Restart after the installation.
    • In case you come across any errors when installing .NET framework, please connect with a qualified IT professional.
  • Lastly, reinstall point of sale

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I hope all the above steps will be useful to you in order to resolve the QuickBooks Point of Sale Unexpected Errors. For any further assistance, you can call our QuickBooks Point of Sale Support team on our toll-free number +1-888-510-9198.


FAQs Related to QuickBooks POS unexpected errors

How do I fix point of sale in QuickBooks?

You can repair QuickBooks Point of sale using the steps below:
1. Close QuickBooks point of sale
2. You now have to open windows start menu
3. Further, enter control panel in the search and hit enter
4. Once done with that select your version of QuickBooks point of sale.
5. Further perform the onscreen instructions

Where is QuickBooks point of sale data stored?

You can find the POS data file on your computer stored in C:\drive in program data to Intuit folder, the POS data folder usually named by QuickBooks POS XX for version 2013.

How do I clean up company data in QuickBooks point of sale?

From the file meny, choose utilities tab and further select clean up company data. Further check mark on the compress data box and hit ok after the warning message appears.


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