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While you try to sync QuickBooks with Intuit apps such as field service management or statement writer or with any third-party app using web connector, a digital certificate indicates that the connection is secure. However, at times, these certificates might expire and eventually drag you in QuickBooks Application with Revoked certificate error. As this error sounds a bit technical and different from usual errors occurring in QuickBooks, you might find it devastating to deal with. As a result of this error, you might not be able to create invoices successfully. 

QuickBooks Application with Revoked Certificate

To help you deal with the QuickBooks – Application with Revoked Certificate error, here we are with this piece of writing sharing the in-depth analysis of the error, along with its triggers, and of course the fixes. Thus, scroll through this segment to unleash further information about this particular error. In case you aren’t a QuickBooks professional or seeking for professional guidance to help you deal with application with revoked certificate error, do not hesitate in contacting our QuickBooks technical support at +1-888-510-9198, and they will answer all your queries. 

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Quick Update about the Application with revoked certificate error

This particular error can also be experienced due to Symantec root certificate, which is used in the development of the applications being revoked. It can further result in many certificates to be considered invalid. In order to maintain the highest security, QuickBooks is designed to only let applications with valid certificates access the company file data. This might appear to be QuickBooks bug, but Intuit is going through a process to detect invalid certificates and is further blocking access to the company file data. This error can be completely fixed once the developer using expired/invalid certificates updates the apps accordingly with a new valid certificate.

Intuit released patches for supported versions of QuickBooks. These patches deliver the newly updated web connector. These patches only update the web connector app, thus, if a customer is using a third-party app that doesn’t use web connector to sync data with QuickBooks, this update won’t fix the issue. Note that Microsoft agreed to re-enable the certificates on a temporary basis, so one can simply sync the data or open the file. This might take some time to change and take effect on your computer.

Causes of Revoked Certificate Error in QuickBooks 

Every error in QuickBooks is triggered by some set of factors and the same applies to the revoked certificate error. It can be seen due to the below enumerated triggers: 

  • Syncing QuickBooks with a third-party application without using Web Connector
  • Using Web Connector to sync QuickBooks with a third-party application.
  • An outdated digital signature certificate for QuickBooks can drag you into this error. 
  • You can come across a similar issue if the QuickBooks web connector is not updated in a timely manner. 
  • Expect such an error if the QuickBooks software itself is not updated to the latest release. 

A quick fix to QuickBooks Application with revoked certificate error

Before performing the below stated measures, you can try this basic fix to get rid of the revoke certificate error. These steps are a temporary workaround for exchanging data QB POS v18 data with older versions of Desktop Pro.

  • You need to first backup both files.
  • Now, change the system date of the computer to the day before the POS data was last successfully exchanged.
  • Open both programs and then run End of Day/ Exchange Data with QB.
  • Your POS data will be transferred to QB desktop with the correct dates.
  • You will now have to change the computer date back to teh correct day and enable auto sync and the exchange function will still be working.

Effective Steps to Fix QuickBooks Application Revoked Certificate Error 

You can try performing the below steps to successfully end the revoked certificate error and create invoice without any issue. 

Solution 1: Set up Digital Signature Certificate for QuickBooks and Third-party application 

An outdated digital signature certificate can trigger this error. Thus, perform the below steps to set up the latest digital signature certificate for QuickBooks. 

  • Move to QuickBooks folder 
  • If you are unable to find the folder, right click the desktop icon of QuickBooks and head to the properties tab. 
  • Go for open file location option. 
  • Right click the QuickBooks.exe file and click on properties tab. 
  • Here, you need to click on digital signature option. 
Digital Signature Certificate - Revoked Certificate Error
  • Select the details tab. 
  • Click on view certificate option. 
  • Move to general tab. 
  • Click on the option to install the certificate
Install certificate - QuickBooks Application with revoked certificate
  • Click on finish and ok tabs respectively. 

Set up digital signature certificate for third party application 

The steps shared above were related to setting up digital signature certificate for QuickBooks. Now comes the steps to set up certificate for third party application to which you are trying to sync QuickBooks with. 

  • Move to installation directory of the application.
  • Right click the .exe icon
  • Select properties tab. 
  • Click on digital signature tab. 
  • Click on name of the signer
  • Hit details tab. 
  • Go for view certificate option.
View Certificate - Revoked Certificate error
  • End the process, by clicking on ok tab. 

Solution 2: Intuit Field Service Management 

Note that IFSM doesn’t use web connector for connecting to QuickBooks desktop. In case you see an issue with the setting up IFSM, the steps below can be performed: 

  • First, close QuickBooks. 
  • Now, copy the address: into your browser to download a new QbEventsShim.exe file. 
  • Replace the downloaded file in C:\Program Files (x86)\Intuit Field Svc. Integration or C:\Program Files (x86)\Corrigo Integration folder
  • And lastly, open QuickBooks and start using the Intuit field service management normally. 

Solution 3: Update QuickBooks to latest release if error occurs with QSW 

It is possible witness the QuickBooks – Application with revoked certificate error with QSW, in case your QuickBooks is not updated to the latest release. You can update QuickBooks desktop to the latest release using the steps below: 

  • Open QuickBooks 
  • Click on Help tab 
  • Click on Update QuickBooks Desktop 
Update QuickBooks Desktop - QuickBooks Statement Writer
  • Go for Update now tab 
Update Now - QuickBooks Application with revoked certificate
  • Select Get updates 
  • Exit QuickBooks after the updates are downloaded 
  • Reboot QuickBooks
  • Click on yes on the automatic prompt for installing the downloaded updates 
  • Try to sync QuickBooks with the third-party application again 

Solution 4: Close all version of QuickBooks 

By heading to the task manager, you can try closing all the versions of QuickBooks and processes opened in background. 

  • This can be done by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Delete simultaneously 
  • Choose Task Manager 
  • Head to the processes tab 
  • Ascertain QBW.exe, QBW32.exe, and QBWebconnector.exe aren’t running 
End QuickBooksConnector.exe process
  • End all of them one by one. 
  • Run QuickBooks to check if the issue is fixed. 

Solution 5: Rename the QBWebConnector.exe 

In some situations, QBWebConnector can trigger such an error. Thus, you can try to rename this using the steps below: 

  • You can press Windows + R 
  • For 64 bit Windows – Enter C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intuit\QuickBooks\QBWebConnector\. 
  • 32 bit Windows – C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intuit\QuickBooks\QBWebConnector\QBWebConnector.exe.
  • This will open the folder having the exe file of QuickBooks web connector
  • Right click the file and press rename tab 
Rename QuickBooks Web Connector - Revoked Certificate
  • Change the current name to OLD_QBQWebConnector.exe.
  • Head to the file menu and click on open new window 
  • Download QBWebConnector.exe freshly from the Intuit website. 
  • Relocate the downloaded QBWebConnector.exe to the following path: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intuit\QuickBooks\QBWebConnector\” 
  • Lastly, open QuickBooks and check if the issue is fixed. 

Also See: How to Fix QuickBooks Web Connector Error?

Solution 6: Update QuickBooks Web Connector 

In case the above steps don’t help, try performing the fixation steps related to updating web connector. 

  • Press windows start tab 
  • Enter web connector and click on its icon 
  • Open it and click on help tab 
  • Move to about web connector option 
About QuickBooks Web Connector

Solution 7: Sync QuickBooks without web connector

In case you come across an error when you try to sync QuickBooks with a third-party app without using web connector, then try updating the third party app and sync with QuickBooks. You can perform the below steps:

  • Download Zip File
  • Move to the downloads folder or the folder where the zip file was saved and extract certSync.bat file
  • You now have to right click the certSync.bat file and select run as admin.
  • This might take a few minutes to run. Avoid closing the command prompt window till you see CertUtil: -verifyCTL command completed successfuly.
  • After that, you need to close the window and start using the third-party app with QuickBooks.

Alternate Methods to fix Revoke Certificate error in QuickBooks

This solution is helpful in case you have a backup of the QBWebConnector folder. The steps you can perform here are:

  • Uninstall and reinstall Web connector
  • Put the new QBWebConnector.exe into the newly installed web connector folder.
  • You might get an error when trying to run web connector at this point.
  • After that copy the QBWebConnector.exe into the original backup copy and this would fix the error.

You can also try to:

  • Run QuickBooks as admin
  • Reset updates and install
  • Later on, run QuickBooks and Web connector both as admin and further try installing the QWC file.

You may also need: How to Set up QuickBooks Web Connector


The QuickBooks – Application with Revoked Certificate error might sound a bit different from the rest of the errors in QuickBooks. However, we believe that carrying out the set of steps discussed in this piece of writing might be of some assistance in eliminating the issue in QuickBooks. On the contrary, if you continue to experience the same error or if you get stuck at any point in time, in that case you are backed by our QuickBooks support professionals. You can ring us up at +1-888-510-9198, and discuss your queries with our tech geeks and get round the clock assistance from certified ProAdvisors. 

FAQs related to Application with Revoked Certificate 

QuickBooks Application with revoked certificate preventing from doing invoicing. What to do?

In case of Application with revoked certificate, you can perform the steps below: 
1. Update QuickBooks to latest release 
2. Update Web connector to latest release 
3. Also, update third party application and then try to sync QuickBooks 

I tried re-loading the application (inside web connector) and it shows a non-expired certificate, but then gets that revoked error? 

To fix this issue, try performing the steps below: 
1. First, close QuickBooks. 
2. Copy the address: into your browser to download a new QbEventsShim.exe file. 
3. Replace the downloaded file in C:\Program Files (x86)\Intuit Field Svc. Integration or C:\Program Files (x86)\Corrigo Integration folder
4. Open QuickBooks and start using the Intuit field service management normally. 

QuickBooks Desktop Statement Writer Stopped launching and began throwing an error message. What to do?

To fix this issue with the QuickBooks statement writer, try updating QuickBooks to the latest releasing using the steps below: 
1. Open QuickBooks and help tab 
2. Click on Update QuickBooks Desktop 
3. Go for Update now tab 
4. Select Get updates 
5. Exit QuickBooks after the update
6. Reboot QuickBooks
7. Try to sync QuickBooks with the third-party application again