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Tackle corrupted Company File with expert guidance

QuickBooks is undoubtedly the finest accounting software currently in demand. This software is used by entrepreneurs across the globe for payment, managing bills, tax related function and what not. Company file might not be a new word for you, if you are a QuickBooks user, and also you might be aware of the glitches and errors related to Company File that people generally encounter.

With this article, we will be trying to brief the readers with the ways to identify, prevent, and tackle this bug. However, if you are a newbie and don’t know much about the features and functionalities of this software, then we would recommend you to consult our QuickBooks customer support team and get expert guidance, in order to avoid any further mess. You can reach out to our team of professionals by dialing our toll-free number i.e. +1-888-510-9198.

Read More: How to Fix QuickBooks Error 6209?

What is Company File?

Basically, QuickBooks Company file encompasses the financial records of the business. The entrepreneurs who are just starting with QuickBooks, the very basic thing they need to do is create a company file. This company file might encounter certain bugs, one of which is corrupted company file.

How to identify data corruption?

Well, before fixing the issue, it is important to identify the issue. The user can examine the transactions or items by a log, along with the indications and the problems of items and transactions. Once the examination process is complete, the user can go back and then delete the corrupted file. After doing that, continue down the log and then until the file verifies address each of the item. The catch here is that, this process begins when the user completes previous Verify Data and Rebuild Data steps. Also, the user is required to review the logs that the QuickBooks software created to verify the data.

Find out whether the Company File is corrupted or not?

In order to look for a solution to a problem, it is important to first look into that problem and identify it. Thus, before finding an ideal solution, the user is required to confirm whether the company file is corrupted or not. A question might strike your mind that how to find out whether the company file is corrupted or not. To help you out, we have come up with the symptoms of corrupted company file:

  • In case when a fault occurs on the balance sheet at the time of auditing
  • When the QB software shutdown suddenly, due to some human errors
  • Also, in the case when the transaction list is missing from the software
  • At times when the unpaid bill and invoice are displayed as paid in the balance sheet
  • When the transaction history displays a negative balance.

It should be noted that in order to detect the error, the user is required to keep a check on the software, and any unusual activity is more than enough to identify the actual issue.

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Factors Causing the Company file corruption problem

Well, there can be numerous reasons behind the occurrence of this issue, and identifying those factors might help in the prevention and fixation process of the same. Let us have a look at some of the reasons for the data damage:

  • Working overtime on QuickBooks.
  • In case the RAM doesn’t automatically amend the issue and the RAM does not have enough memory.
  • Any kind of virus attack and unwanted users that might erase the database.
  • Problems associated with cable, internet, and hard disk
  • Also, any kind of improper shutdown of the PC, such as directly switching off the main switch. This might lead to data corruption.

How to Prevent Corruption of QuickBooks Files?

It should be noted that be it any stream, data saving is always a good practice, as once the data is lost, it can be a very difficult task to regain it. Thus, prevention is better than cure, but the data damage can only be prevented up to a certain extent. To prevent the data loss up to a certain extent, the user can follow certain preventive steps:

  • First of all, save the data backup in any other location and database.
Local backup - QuickBooks company file
  • Also, try to avoid from virus just as some malicious files and threats
Scanning the system for malware or virus
  • Along with that, make sure you reduce the third-party users and the tools.
  • Reduce QuickBooks file size
    • Condense the company file by heading to the file menu and choosing utilities.
    • After that select condense data option
    • Select the transactions you want to delete, such as the previous transactions date or transactions that exceed a specific size.
    • Click on the next tab.
    • And perform the onscreen instructions to finish the process
Condense data - fix corrupted company file
  • Removing the unnecessary list entries.
    • You need to choose the list from the menu
    • After that identify any entries that are no longer needed or are duplicates
    • Right click on the entry and choose delete option
    • Confirm the deletion once the screen prompted.
  • Avoid abrupt system shutdown by switching off the power supply. Users should always avoid the practice of shutting down the power supply to the system while the system is still running.
  • Keep updating QuickBooks desktop frequently
Update QuickBooks - corrupted company file

You may Also Read: How to Use the Condense Data Utility and Repair your QuickBooks Files?

Steps to Resolve the QuickBooks corrupted file

Checkout the Fixation process given below:

Once you have explored all the above information, just like the causes, symptoms, preventions, etc., it is now time to find out the ways to fix this glitch. There can be two ways to get rid of this error, either manually or with the help of the available tools. We will be discussing both of the processes one by one. So, without wasting time, let us begin:

#Manual method

Verifiy Data in QuickBooks-corrupted company file
  • The very first step is to open the data files, followed by logging in as administrator
  • Moving forward, the user is required to select a single user mode.
  • And then, tap on File, after that ‘Utilities‘ option, and lastly hit the ‘Verify Data‘ option

The above process might take time in certain cases. However, the user might move on to the below-stated steps in case the process is consuming much time.

  • The user is required to make a local copy of the data file, from the server.
  • Now, only if needed, the user must enable the temporary hosting on the machine and open the file with admin login later on.
  • Now moving forward, tap on the ‘File option‘ and then select ‘Utilities‘ and then select ‘Rebuild Data
  • The last step is to copy and open the file, followed by logging in as an administrator.
rebuild data - corrupted company file

#Free tools available

Though the manual method is one of the simplest ways to work and also an easy process, it might consume much time. Thus, the user has an option to use free tools and repair the QuickBooks Company File. We have listed below some of the most commonly used and popular repair tools.

1. Reboot.bat

The very first tool is Reboot.bat, which re-registers several QuickBooks related components with Windows. This tool is generally used by QuickBooks users to get rid of this kind of glitch.

2. QuickBooks Component Repair tool

The next one is QuickBooks component repair tool. As the name suggests, this tool is used to fix the issues that might hinder the smooth running of QuickBooks.

3. QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool

QuickBooks install diagnostic tool is generally used by the QuickBooks users to diagnose and repair numerous problems associated with QuickBooks, mainly focusing on the Microsoft .NET Framework.

4. QuickBooks File Doctor

The last available tool is QuickBooks File Doctor tool. This tool helps to fix certain kinds of file and data corruption, along with Windows setup problems, and also network setup problems.

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Winding Up!

With this, we come to the end of this article. We expect that the reader is now well versed with the symptoms, causes, preventions, and rectifications for corrupted company files. However, if you are unable to tackle the problem even after going through this article, then it would be better to consult with our QuickBooks enterprise support team.

All you need to do is dial our toll-free number i.e. +1-888-510-9198, and we will assist you round the clock and help you to shun off any kind of error associated with QuickBooks. 

Frequently Asked Questions!

How do I know if my QuickBooks file is corrupted?

You can find if the QuickBooks file is corrupted by performing the steps below:
1. Go to the File menu.
2. Then hover over Utilities and select Verify Data.
3. Let the tool check your file for data issues.
4. From the Verify Results screen, select Expand All to see the errors.

How do I prevent corrupted files?

To prevent corrupted files, you need to perform the below measures:
Relocate Your Files Neatly. …
Keep Your PC Safe From Malware. …
Unmount External Storage Devices Properly. …
Avoid Opening Files in Unsupported Apps. …
Prevent Your Hard Drive Sectors From Going Bad.

What makes a file corrupted?

A file becomes corrupted when a piece or pieces of the data that form it are lost. As a result, when a user tries to open such a file, the storage media is unable to reconstruct it and reports an error. At other times, the data required to reconstruct the file is still present, but the media is unable to locate it.


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