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How to learn about different file types and extensions used by QuickBooks Desktop:

No doubt QuickBooks is one of the biggest names in the accounting software industry with its innumerable features. And because of these multitudinous features, file types and extensions used in QuickBooks Desktop by many business owners or accountants. To run their small to medium sized business. While managing all the financial aspects like your invoices, pay bills, tax payment, bank account tracking and cash flow, QuickBooks encounters many types of files. The QuickBooks file extensions are used for different purposes in the program to save the data. Different type of file extensions are used with different editions of QuickBooks. This includes QuickBooks 2017 will be using different file extension than that of used by QuickBooks 2018. So, in order to know more about these file extensions and their types used by QuickBooks read this comprehensive article till the very end.

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What do you understand by File Extensions and QuickBooks File Extensions?

At first, File extensions are the abbreviations generally available at the end of the file name. It further indicates the type of content and the purpose of the file.

Some common file extensions used are:

  • A JPEG uses the .jpg or .jpeg extension (for example, image.jpg)
  • A Word document uses the .docx extension (for e.g. – CoverLetter.docx)
  • An Excel spreadsheet uses the .xlsx extension (for example, budget.xls)

Whereas QuickBooks file extensions are exclusively for QuickBooks. QuickBooks file extensions are generally in the format of .xxx. Most commonly used QuickBooks file extensions are .QBW, .QBO, .QBB etc.

Importance of using QuickBooks File Extensions

It is important to emphasize that, different types of QuickBooks file extensions have different aspects. They are further used for different purposes. Let’s check out the importance of different file extensions given below:

  • File extensions make it easy for the users to determine what type of content a particular file contains. As everything is clearly labeled.
  • With the help of file extensions, it becomes easy for the user to organize their accounting data. As it categorizes the same kind of file extensions. This prevents data from merging and also facilitates auditing.
  • By just looking at the file extension user can easily identify the type of file. And this saves a lot of time.
  • File Extensions help in easy identification of file type that helps desktop to open the file in the right application.
  • QuickBooks file extensions assist in verification of authentication of data files in order to safeguard data files.

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Types of QuickBooks File Extensions that are used commonly:

Different types of file extensions that are commonly used while working with QuickBooks are categorized below:

  File Extension                  File Type   Characterization
‘.QBW’  QuickBooks Company FileIt is used by QuickBooks software to store accounting data, letters, logos, images and other relevant info of company files which is saved by using ‘.qbw’ file extension.
‘.QBO’QuickBooks Online Bank Statement FileA file saved by ‘.qbo’ extension holds electronic bank statements that can be easily opened up by QuickBooks software during the process of downloading transactions from the back.
‘.QBB’QuickBooks Backup FileFiles usually saved by ‘.qbb’ extension are backup files of QuickBooks company file that are created by QuickBooks accounting software and usually hold the backups of financial records, images, logos, templates, and letters.
‘.QBM’QuickBooks Portable FileFiles that are saved by ‘.qbm’ extensions are the compressed version of ‘.qbw’ files usually created by QuickBooks accounting software while moving a company file.  
‘.QBX’Accountant’s review copy (Export file)File with ‘.qbx’ extension are the files crafted by QuickBooks software during the generation of accountant’s review copy of QuickBooks Company file. This is the export file that can be sent to your accountant.
‘.QBA’QuickBooks Accountant Copy working file.A file with ‘.qba’ file extension is an accountant copy that is sent by clients for the accountant’s review purposes.
‘.QBJ’General Journal Entries FileA file with ‘.qbj’ extension is the file created when the user wants to add journal entries created by the accountant, to send a general journal entries file.
‘.QBY’Accountant’s Copy import fileA file with a .qby extension is the file sent to QuickBooks users after the accountant review their accountant copy and makes changes. This is the import file where users can easily apply changes to the company file.
‘.ND’Network Data FileWhile accessing to multi-user mode, QuickBooks usually crafts file with ‘.nd’ as extension that helps QuickBooks to manage the user access settings
‘.TLG’Transaction Log FileQuickBooks always keeps track of changes made to your company file since the last backup. This QuickBooks software saves this information in a file which is named with a ‘.tlg’ extension. So, the next time when you take a backup of your company file, it will automatically reset the file.
‘.LOG’Event Log FileFiles with ‘.log’ extension are created by QuickBooks to record essential events. These log files are mainly used for troubleshooting purposes. Two types of LOG files are:Qbwin.log – records issues detected during a rebuild.QWC.log – record the QuickBooks Event log errors of Web Connect.  
‘.DES’Layout Designer Template fileFile with a ‘.des’ file extension is created by QuickBooks when the user exports a customized form template. It is easy to export this file and can be used in other company files or shared with others.
‘.QBR’QuickBooks Report Template File. A file with a ‘.qbr’ extension is created by QuickBooks when the user wants to export a memorized report template.
‘.QBSTBL2.USA ‘US Tax Table FileA file with ‘.qbstbl2.usa’ is created when you run a payroll in QuickBooks Desktop that gives you the current tax table. This file also gives all the latest payroll info that will be required to calculate the payroll taxes easily.

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Utility and Log files

File ExtensionFile TypeDescription
IIFIntuit Interchange format fileWhen the user exports the list info, QuickBooks creates a file that has .iif extension. This file can be used to share lists with other company files.
QBPQuickBooks Print file When you set the printing preferences, the software saves them in a file with .qbp extension.
ECMLEntitlement File When you install or register QuickBooks, a file with .ecml extension is generated, it further communicates to QuickBooks that the user is making use of a licensed product.

QuickBooks Statement Writer Files

File Extension File Type
QSSWhen you customize the statements and reports with QuickBooks statement writer, the software usually saves the settings in a file with .qss as the extension. You can use this file to apply settings to other reports.
QSMWhen you use QuickBooks statement writer, it saves the information with .qsm extension. The QSW file can be used in MS excel.
QSTIn case there is a specific layout needed by the user, a template file can be used, which is already available. These files can be spotted with .qst as extension.

Don’t skip this: How to Upgrade or Convert your Company File to a Newer Version in QuickBooks Desktop for Mac?

Miscellaneous File Extensions

File ExtensionFile Type Description
Temp 1234.qbtTemp rebuild fileThis particular file can be created during Pass 1 of the rebuild and is further deleted on its own when the rebuild is finished.
QBwin.logQuickBooks log fileThe Qbwin.log file can be further created and updated when the user runs the verify/rebuild option. This particular file will help in identifying log problems and situations connected. The Qbwin.log file is usually stored in QuickBooks installation directory.
QuickBooks Letters Templates folderLetters folder The QuickBooks letters templates folder contains the word document templates for the QuickBooks writer letters function.
QBrestor.TMPTemp restore the file This particular file is often made at the time of restoring the QBB file, which gets deleted on its own during the restore process.
Inet Folder Inet This folder was used to store license information for QuickBooks.
Images Folder Images folder It stores temporary copies of images that are used by QuickBooks.
QBInstanceFinderInstance finder file You can delete the file, but it usually gets generated again in a few QuickBooks versions.
CONNLOG.TXTConnection log fileThe CONNLOG.TXT file is basically the online banking connection log file, which is a log of reach connection for online banking.
.TDBQuickBooks Pro Timer filesThere is a time tracking data from QuickBooks timer that can be found in the QBTIMER directory.
DownloadQBXX folderDownload folder This folder is made by storing the updates that are downloaded when you update QuickBooks to the latest release.
copy XX/XX/200XAn archive copy of the data file Note that a separate QBW file is made with the name of Archive copy XX/XX200X with QBW file name. It is a copy of the company file, before being condensed. You can view this file to view the info that was present in the unmodified file.
QBW.TLG Transaction log file This file helps in retrieving the lost QuickBooks company file data.
QBW192.168.X.XXmtaTemporary database fileThis particular file is made by QuickBooks database server manager and it is further a temporary file that is generated when opening the company file. When the user opens up the main file, this file gets deleted on its own

QuickBooks for MAC

File ExtensionFile typeDescription
QB2016Company file This particular version of the company file is for the QuickBooks 2016 Mac.
PlistApple property list files This file stores the registration and preferences.
QB201Company fileThis file is for the QuickBooks version 2019 of Mac.
DMApple disk image fileThe DM file is a backup QuickBooks company file saved as an apple disk image by QuickBooks.
MAC.QBBBackup fileNote that you can use this file to move QuickBooks Mac file over the QuickBooks desktop for windows.

Final Words!

There are numerous file extensions and file types available but it is not necessary to know all of them. But the file types and extensions used in QuickBooks Desktop that are listed above are the most commonly known. QuickBooks Desktop uses these extensions where each one has a significant role in business accounting. This article covers everything that is essential for the users to have an outlook on a variety of file extensions. Once you get a general idea about them you will find that they will make processes smoothen. And further produce a faster workflow and also save you time.

Moreover, you can also get in touch with our 24/7 QuickBooks enterprise support team with the help of our dedicated support line i.e. +1-888-510-9198. Our team will provide you with the most relevant information. And we will ensure that all your queries related to QuickBooks are answered in the best possible way.


FAQs Related to File Types and Extensions in QuickBooks

What is the file extension for QuickBooks?

File Extension in QuickBooks is a type of file extension that is exclusively for QuickBooks. The most common QuickBooks file extension is QBW (company file), followed by QBB (backup file) and QBO (bank statement file).

What is company file in QuickBooks?

The company file saves all of your financial info and grows with you. In QuickBooks, you can save multiple company files for multiple businesses. Each business should have its own company file.

What are the different types of QuickBooks files?

There are a bunch of QuickBooks file types. Each file has a certain extension attached to it.


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