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If a past-reconciled transaction is no longer as reconciled or if a reconciliation report is not present then it’s highly probable that one of the following has occurred:

  • An Accountant user used the Undo Reconcile tool and changing the reconciliation status of the transactions within the reconciled period and removing the corresponding reconciliation report.

Note: Only an Accountant user can undo reconciliation.

  • The reconciled account was combined with another account, removing the reconciliation report without altering the reconciliation status of the transactions inside the reconciled period.

You can locate who made changes to your reconciliation reports or transactions from the Audit Log.

Read Also: Why It Is Important to reconcile your bank accounts?

View Changes to Reconciliation Reports in QuickBooks desktop

You can verify the Audit Log to find who undo a reconciled transaction or report.

  • Click on the Gear icon on the Toolbar tab
  • Under Tools tab, click on Audit Log
  • Choose the Filter button
  • Under the Events tab, select Reconciliations tab
  • Click on Apply

The Audit Log displays a history of all changes made to your reconciliation reports, besides with user information for each alters.

View changes to personage reconciled transactions

  • Click on the Gear icon located on the Toolbar
  • Under the Tools tab, choose Audit Log option
  • Choose the Filter tab
  • Under the Events tab, select Reconciliations
  • Choose Apply
  • Find and choose the transaction to open it
  • Choose More tab, and then select Audit history option

The Audit History displays all changes to your transactions, from most current to oldest, alongside with the user information for every change. Reconcile changes show in the CLR column.


Now you know how to locate details for missing transactions or reconciled reports. If you have any issues or errors related to QuickBooks then feel free to seek help from our QuickBooks Customer Support team by calling them on their toll-free number at  +1-866-453-7060.


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