If in case you are closing your business and you are no longer paying your employee then you must cancel QuickBooks Payroll service. Even after the cancellation of your services, you can access your account’s data for six months. But after the end of the tax year, you have to collect data on your own.
QuickBooks Payroll is a subscription-based service. It has its own renewable process. But, you can cancel the automatic renewable features if you feel like you do not need it anymore. Generally, users cancel their Payroll services when the following services are not required-
- Creation of Paychecks
- Printing of W-2 for the End of the year
- Creation of quarterly 941/state forms
Important tips before cancelling the QuickBooks payroll Services
Here you can follow the steps to cancel your QuickBooks Payroll services. Consider following things, before cancellation:
- Paid any outstanding tax deposits
- Filed any outstanding quarterly forms
- Printed necessary payroll reports
Read Also: How to enter a bill that is already paid to QuickBooks?
Steps to Cancel QuickBooks Payroll Service
Checkout the following methods in order to cancel the QuickBooks payroll service:
Method 1:
- Go to the Employees menu
- Go to My Payroll Service
- Select Account/Billing Info
- Sign in using your Intuit Account login
- After logging in The Account a Maintenance page will open
- Click the Cancel link, in the Service Information section

Alternatively, you can use the second method as follows.
Method 2:
You can also submit an online request to cancel the service.
Here’s how:
- Find online cancellation form in support form of QuickBooks
- Choose the appropriate reason and then click continue
- Enter company name
- Click Continue
- Provide the date of final payroll checks
- Click on Continue
- Enter the below-mentioned information that is also required.
- Name of the contact
- Phone Number
- Email Address – The confirmation of cancellation is sent to this email address within 3 business days
- Click on Submit request
We hope that by the process mentioned above helped you to cancel your QuickBooks Payroll Services in QuickBooks Desktop by if you are facing any problem then you can contact our Payroll customer support by calling on our toll-free number at +1-888-510-9198.
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