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This article describes how to Export or Import .IIF files and what transactions can do it

Limitations for Export & Import IIF Files In QuickBooks

  • A user can easily import transactions, but not export any other transactions from their QB software app.
  • A large number of entries as maximum through which QB software can do in process in a nice way.
  • Imported IIF files do not create links between transactions.
  • When a user will import an invoice or any bill along with its payment, thus, it will not link after importing.
  • You must link them, and all other pairs, into the receive payments windows or Pay Bills window. Thus, if a user require to import then linked it with your transactions as located under the .IIF file.
  • A user can easily now import assembly items but this will not able to import the database into the item’s custom fields.
  • Thus, end user will unable to import or export payroll data from a QB desktop accounting files related to any other products. However, this can be used by exporting payroll data through Online Payroll & their Intuit Payroll Full Services.
  • Therefore, a user can’t able to export from its U.S. version of a QB accounting software. It imports into your Canadian variant of a QuickBooks or as Vice Versa.
  • This will not required to type numbers with leading zeros in MS Excel spreadsheet, when ready to create & IIF import files.
  • For this importing or exporting IIF files, an Intuit will not responsible or not rendering any technical assistance to our QB clients. There are other resources which provide an instant help.

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How to Export .IIF files in QuickBooks Applications?

Below are the quick steps to export .FF files in QuickBooks accounting software.

Method to export the .IIF file

  1. First of all, sign in your company file as an Admin.
  2. Ensures that the user is in single user mode.
  3. In the main file menu, choose Utilities > Then export > give a list to IIF files.
  4. Check the box just next to each of the list that you export and click it as Ok button.
  5. Into the Export windows
    • In the drop down menu, save in: and then select the location which you want to save your .IIF file on your desktop.
    • Under the file applications of a name field, first of all, remove or delete as asterisk (*). After this type a name of a file.
    • Choose IIF files (*.IIF) for a type of the file you used.
    • Click on as save this option.
  6. Give a click on OK to the message through which the file you have saved as successfully.

✔ To View the Exported Files

  1. First go to the file location.
  2. Give a right click to the exported file & then choose it Open with option .
  3. Select MS Office Excel sheet.
  4. If it allows to get the wizard and converted into a text file, then click to the Next > the Next > at last click to Finish option.

✔ Process for editing an Exported file

  1. First of all, open the .IIF file.
  2. Open MS office Excel.
  3. Under the main file menu, click to open it.
  4. Select the location from where the user has been saved the .IIF file.
  5. Under the file, type it as field, select all files.
  6. Now also select .IIF file then click it as to open.
  7. Click to Next > Next > finish into the text Import Wizard. The .IIF is opened into the MS Excel.

✔ Make an Essential edits

  1. From a file main menu, apply to save all changes you have been made.
  2. Click on the option yes as promptly which appears.
  3. Pres the Alt+F4 keys to close your Excel sheet.
  4. This will already save your .IIF file as again. Click on don’t save.

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List from which you can Import .IIF files

Chart of AccountsCustomer :JobVendor
EmployeeOther Names ListCustomer Type
Vendor TypeClassJob Type
ItemPayment TermsPayment Method
Shipping MethodCustomer MessageBudgets
To Do NotesSales RepPrice Level
Sales Tax Codes

Other Transactions that can be import successfully

Account beginning BalancesVendor BillsVendor Bill Refunds
Cash Sales to customersCash refunds to clientsCredit card refunds to customers
ChecksCredit Card transactionsCredit Memos to Customers
DepositsEstimatesGeneral Journal Entries
InvoicesPayments from CustomerPurchase Orders
Account Transfer of funds

We support our clients and provide abrupt support along with methods for how to export or import files abruptly.

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How to Import the .IFF Files in QuickBooks?

List from which you can Import .IIF files
  1. First of all, sign into your company file that as admin.
  2. Then ensures that you are work as on a single user mode.
  3. From the main file menu, choose Utilities option > Import heading > then select .IIF File option.
  4. Go to the location of your .IIF file and highlight it in as bold letters.
  5. Click on the open option.
  6. A message appears to confirm your data that you want to imported it instantly.
  7. Click to the Ok button.

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Hopefully, above information will help you to import and export IIF files in QuickBooks Desktop rapidly without any delays. If needed expert help, reach us at QuickBooks Technical Support Number +1-888-510-9198. Feel free to connect with us for any type of query related to QuickBooks Integration.


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